Syllabus MSP-III

MSP2 and MSP-3 are interlinked as the syllabus is very vast covering hundreds of sloka of the colossal Brhat Parasara Hora Shastra. In addition only those who have joined MSP-2 should consider joining MSP-3 after they have studied the video lessons. There are quite a number of video lessons and a few writeups. In future years (2024 onwards) we shall have mentors to guide participants on an annual basis. It is best to start in spring 15 Mar – 16 May. And it is best to join before that to read the material available in the website to avoid trailing behind the class.
Please read carefully.
This syllabus is taught in two years – MSP-2 and MSP-3

  1. Part-A is to be taught through webinars in April 2020-21. Admission is open to all. Fees to be paid online $1008
  2. Part-B is to be taught through webinars and a contact classes in 2021. Admission is no longer restricted for people who can make a commitment to travel to India/Bengal. Others can avail the recordings by joining the course after the course is completed.


MSP-II Webinars

Jyotiṣa Principles

  1. Navagraha: devatā; propitiation of planets including yajna, devatā-mantra, idol specifications, drawings on silk, worship method and homa process [Ch.86 BPHS]
  2. Kendra Rules: riṣṭa and ariṣṭa i.e. riṣṭa bhaṅga
  3. Exaltations: Viṣṇu (sattva-purity) avatāra
  4. Mūlatrikoṇa or Svakṣetra: Tattva devatā, pañcāyatana pujā; Pañca Brahma (Śiva)
  5. Debilitation: Śaktī (tamas-ignorance) and Vidyā (Kālī) as remover of tamas
  6. Digbala: Karma Yoga, devatā
  7. Rāśi: Dvādaśa Āditya

Curses and their alleviation

  • Types of curses [BPHS-Ch.85]
  • Bhāva afflictions, curse functioning and timing
  • Propitiation, remedy
MSP-III Webinars + Contact Class

Jyotiṣa Principles

  1. Navagraha: devatā; propitiation of planets including yajna, devatā-mantra, idol specifications, drawings on silk, worship method and homa process [Ch.86 BPHS]
  2. Kendra Rules: riṣṭa and ariṣṭa i.e. riṣṭa bhaṅga
  3. Exaltations: Viṣṇu (sattva-purity) avatāra
  4. Mūlatrikoṇa or Svakṣetra: Tattva devatā, pañcāyatana pujā; Pañca Brahma (Śiva)
  5. Debilitation: Śaktī (tamas-ignorance) and Vidyā (Kālī) as remover of tamas
  6. Digbala: Karma Yoga, devatā
  7. Rāśi: Dvādaśa Āditya

Birth Affliction

  • Evils at birth [BPHS-Ch.87]
  • Negative indications
  • Propitiation
  • Tri-tārā doṣa – trimūrti or tridevī doṣa [BPHS-Ch.97]
  • Abnormal births [BPHS-Ch.98]

Pañcāṅga Doṣa

  1. Tithi doṣa
    • Amāvāsya doṣa [BPHS-Ch.88]
    • Kṛṣṇa Chaturdaśī doṣa [BPHS-Ch.89]
    • Sun-Moon combination in rāśi/varga; remedy; duryoga or rājayoga?
  2. Yoga doṣa
    • Some Inauspicious Yoga [BPHS-Ch.90]
    • Propitiation of duryoga
  3. Nakṣatra doṣa
    • Eka-nakṣatra doṣa [BPHS-Ch.91]
  4. Vāra doṣa
    • Saṅkrānti doṣa [BPHS-Ch.92]
  5. Gaṇḍānta [BPHS-Ch.94]
    • Tithi gaṇḍānta
    • Nakṣatra gaṇḍānta of Moon, Lagna and other graha
    • Gaṇḍānta effects – pada doṣa; abhukta (e.g. Mūla nakṣatra) or bhukta (e.g. Jyeṣṭha nakṣatra); propitiation


  • Effect of eclipses at birth
  • Remedial measures to be adopted
Author: Sanjay Rath